Best Supporting Role

  • Plastic Jesus.

02/06/2020 Los Angeles. CA. USA =============== Gold Walker Appears on Hollywood Blvd - Mocking Disgraced Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein. A golden walker has appeared on Hollywood Boulevard a short distance from the Academy Awards ceremony on Sunday. The walking aid is placed atop a red carpeted platform adorned with a brass plaque which reads: “Best Supporting Role”. Hanging from the gold hand rail is a ‘props dept.’ tag that reads “Item #132586 Please return to Props Dept.” Weinstein has been seen entering the New York court trial using a walker due to his apparent recent physical decline. Some have questioned whether the walker is there more for effect than to actually help the apparently frail producer walk. More than 70 women have accused disgraced Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, including rape. The unofficial ‘Oscars statue installation’ is the work of LA based street artist Plastic Jesus. In Previous years the artist has targeted Weinstein himself - with a life size Casting Couch, Kanye West portrayed as Jesus in a piece called ‘False Idol’ and a piece highlighting hidden drug use within the movie industry. In a statement the artist commented: “The supporting role is one that is often over-looked. Without great support so often the lead character can appear shallow, fake or inauthentic. This year I’ve decided to honor the support given to many leading figures within the movie industry, without whom great performances would be nothing more than a charade”. The British born Guerrilla artist also built a mini wall around Donald Trump’s walk of fame star and place “No Kardashian parking signs’ around Los Angeles. =============== The artist can be contacted on +1 213 448 7970 or email